Importance of Healthy Food- Short Paragraph/Speech.
For the six to eleven year old children, four percent in the seventies of the increase in the rate of obesity in a staggering eighteen percent in 2018. One of the important factors that contributes to this stunning trend is the increasing attraction towards bad food habits and junk food. Children who are overweight or obese, more likely to be obese as adults. Being able to keep excess weight or obesity can be a high risk for children such as health problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Good health about the importance of during childhood and the age of the famous proofb 'Health is the only money' reminds us. We must strive for healthy eating habits to take a balanced diet that includes the correct proportion of carbohydrate, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water.
We should include more vegetables and fruits as vegetables in our daily lives. However, we are on one day, we should never leave breakfast and should have a light dinner. We are always fascinated by the world of burgers, chips, fried chicken and soft drinks. One can consume these foods regularly and can have serious health effects and you are with other health complications related to obesity.
These food are now correctly described as 'junk' in our lives that we must strictly avoid these foods or take steps to make a huge reduction in our lives. In recent years, awareness has increased among vegetarians towards a growing trend due to the increasing awareness of young people, due to their growing awareness of health, environment and compassion. As children, let's have a pledge that we avoid junk food and accept a healthy lifestyle. Apart from this, we should also work to spread awareness of the direction of spreading health food.
2. Bananas.
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* Healthy food full information.
Have we ever wondered why our parents and teachers insist on always, is a healthy meal? Healthy eating is one of the most important physical activity combined with a healthy weight, healthy eating habits can also improve our concentration and our overall health. However, it is concerned that children are growing due to obesity, around the world.For the six to eleven year old children, four percent in the seventies of the increase in the rate of obesity in a staggering eighteen percent in 2018. One of the important factors that contributes to this stunning trend is the increasing attraction towards bad food habits and junk food. Children who are overweight or obese, more likely to be obese as adults. Being able to keep excess weight or obesity can be a high risk for children such as health problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Good health about the importance of during childhood and the age of the famous proofb 'Health is the only money' reminds us. We must strive for healthy eating habits to take a balanced diet that includes the correct proportion of carbohydrate, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water.
We should include more vegetables and fruits as vegetables in our daily lives. However, we are on one day, we should never leave breakfast and should have a light dinner. We are always fascinated by the world of burgers, chips, fried chicken and soft drinks. One can consume these foods regularly and can have serious health effects and you are with other health complications related to obesity.
These food are now correctly described as 'junk' in our lives that we must strictly avoid these foods or take steps to make a huge reduction in our lives. In recent years, awareness has increased among vegetarians towards a growing trend due to the increasing awareness of young people, due to their growing awareness of health, environment and compassion. As children, let's have a pledge that we avoid junk food and accept a healthy lifestyle. Apart from this, we should also work to spread awareness of the direction of spreading health food.
* Sum healthy food.
1. Apple.
The apple is high in fiber, vitamin C and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very fulfilling, 2. Bananas.
Bananas are among the best sources of potassium. And this is found in the Bitamin B-6, which is beneficial for our health.
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